Let’s be real, sometimes it’s a struggle to find gratitude about anything. At this time of year, we (in the US) are focusing on family gatherings and the concept of being ‘thankful’. It’s a time to pause and focus on the big (and small) parts of our life that make us happy. But, most do not continue this practice EVERY day, and does it really matter?! Well…YES!!
Numerous credible, health professionals and advisers believe in the benefits of practicing gratitude for physical and mental health.
Most notably, The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology reports from a research study titled “Counting Blessings vs. Burdens” that in an experimental comparison, those who keep gratitude journals on a weekly basis exercise more regularly, report fewer physical symptoms, and feel better about their lives as a whole. Additionally, they are more optimistic about the upcoming week AND are more likely to achieve personal goals (academic, interpersonal and health-based) compared to those who record hassles or neutral life events (Robert Emmons & Michael McCullough, 2003-2006).
Alternatively, studies show that individuals experiencing physical, mental, or emotional pressure (i.e. psychological stress) are more susceptible to health problems. The National Cancer Institute reports that people who experience intense and long-term stress can have digestive problems, fertility problems, urinary problems, headaches, viral infections, depression, anxiety, and a weakened immune system. Evidence from experimental studies also suggests that psychological stress can affect a cancer tumor’s ability to grow and spread.
Conversations With God author Neale Donald Walsch states, “Every act is an act of self-definition.” Therefore, “Everything we think, say, and do is a demonstration of our highest and our most sacred values and spiritual beliefs.”
Walsch believes we are “lost as a civilization” if we do not practice this standard.
So, how do we find gratitude in our lives? Mindful magazine, “Gratitude for the Lousy Ingrate”, recently shared five helpful tips.
Begin With Gratitude for Your Body
When we take a moment to appreciate what’s happening in our bodies right now, with a spirit of curiosity, we honor all that our bodies do for us every day.
Allow Gratitude to Connect You to All Living Things
When we awaken awe and gratitude for our interdependence, we can infuse a spirit of loving-kindness toward all beings, including ourselves.
Awaken the Flow of Gratitude in Nature
The outdoors offer gentle (and sometimes not so gentle) opportunities to be present with our sensations and our surroundings. Awaken gratitude for the Earth by going outside and noticing what arises.
Counteract Resentment
When we cling to our ideas of what we want and resist the way things are, we invite resentment into our lives. Gratitude invites us to let go.
Nurture a Sense of Gratitude
Use meditation exercises to connect with your body and breath and the present moment. This is a gentle way to nurture a felt sense of loving-kindness and gratitude. We recommend The Shine app which can be downloaded or found as a podcast called The Daily Shine.
It may seem overwhelming at first but eventually, it will become automatic and routine to do all five daily. Give it a try–you only have your health and happiness to gain!