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Top 5 Picks for Healthy Packaged Foods

Top 5 Picks for Healthy Packaged Foods

k.o. kidz welcomes guest blogger, Joy Duginske, MA, CHC (Certified Health Coach) from JoytoWellness to provide the best, nutritious and organic, snack options.  And, if you’re restricted to gluten-free eating, these suggestions work for you too!


JoytoWellness — Joy Duginske

I recommend filling your cart with whole and fresh foods. Still, we all know it’s difficult to avoid packaged foods at the grocery store – they make our lives easier! Check out my top picks for packaged foods which includes items I feel good about and bring home on a regular basis.  My list will help you make better choices during your next grocery run.  Plus, I offer 2 rules to guide you in choosing the right foods for you and your family.

My rules…

Rule #1: Focus on foods that contain only a handful of ingredients.  The fewer the better.

Rule #2: Buy foods with only recognizable ingredients.  This will keep you and your family from eating foods that are loaded with preservatives, sweeteners and trans fats.

My list…

1. Brown Rice Crackers (by Edward & Sons).

Gluten Free Crackers

These crackers have two simple ingredients – brown rice and sesame seeds.  That’s all you need when you’re craving something crunchy to go with your hummus or some cheese.

2. Larabars


Not all bars are created equally!  Just say “NO” to bars with added sweeteners and a long list of ingredients!  Larabar offers nearly 20 bars, many of which have only 3 ingredients and use dates – not sugar – to sweeten.

3. Brown Rice Pasta (Organic varieties offered by Lundberg and Trader Joe’s)

GF Brown Rice Pasta

Whether you’re gluten-free or not, brown rice pasta is delicious.  Plus, it’s now available in most stores and is a far better option than the pasta you grew up eating (i.e., Enriched Wheat Pasta). Look for a pasta that contains nothing beyond brown rice and water.  There’s no need for other ingredients, pure and simple.  If you’re at Trader Joe’s, they offer an organic option which in my opinion is the best brown rice pasta on the market.

4. Frozen Fruit

sugar free fruit

I always have frozen fruit on hand for smoothies.  You can also defrost it for morning oatmeal or to top off your waffles in place of syrup. But be sure to check the package  before placing it in your cart – oftentimes companies sneak in sugar, so choose a brand that only gives you fruit – that’s all you need!  Choose organic when you can to free your body of toxins from pesticides.

5.  Raw Nuts

Raw Almonds

Nuts are a delicious and filling snack, plus are loaded with beneficial fats.  I always have a bag or two on hand.  Look for packaged nuts that contain nothing more than the nuts themselves – you’ll notice that oils, salt, sweeteners or preservatives are often added, but need not be there.


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