You are currently viewing TOP 3 EASIEST VEGGIES to PLANT NOW for FALL EATING!  GIY (Grow It Yourself) –



If you have procrastinated our spring GIY project or neglected your vegetable garden this summer and are now thinking, ‘It’s too late to plant now.  Why did I wait so long?!  I’m such a loser!’  Well, turn that frown upside down glorious, gardening champion!  Grab your spade, spoon, or shovel and clear some dirt because we have a second round of delicious vegetable options that perform great with late summer and fall planting.

Green Beans

Top-3-Easiest-Veggies-to-Plant-NOW-for-Fall-Eating|Grow-it-yourself|green-beansGreen beans are very easy to GIY and prolific producers.  Usually ready to pick 45 to 60 days after germinationFull of vitamin B and antioxidants for regulating mood (produces serotonin), preventing mental fatigue and fighting cancer.

Quick Tips: Grow best in full, well-drained, warm soil between 65-70 degrees.  Water at ground level to keep leaves dry and prevent diseases like powdery mildew, rust, and curly top virus.  And, do not crowd plants.  Most varieties require 2½ to 3 feet between plants or grow single plants in large pots on a deck or patio.  Depending on the variety, beans need between 6 to 9 inches of soil.  Don’t forget to use a trellis or stake to allow the vine to grow.  As a general rule, nine plants can be grown in 12 inches of surface space.


Word is that kale is a ‘cold weather crop’ meaning it actually tastes best after it has been touched by frost!  That’s great for those of us that will probably have frost in a couple months Top-3-Easiest-Veggies-to-Plant-NOW-for-Fall-Eating|Grow-it-yourself|kale-in-potbut let’s NOT go there now.  Back to our beautiful summer… Kale is an amazing source of iron, fiber, antioxidants, and vitamin A, C, and K.  And, according to MindBodyGreen, it’s a powerful anti-inflammatory food as “One cup of kale is filled with 10% of the RDA of omega-3 fatty acids, which help fight against arthritis, asthma and autoimmune disorders.”

Quick Tips: If planting while still warm, plant in partial shade. If cool season, plant in full sun.  Seeds will germinate in soil 40 degrees or higher.  Keep the soil moist so the leaves remain sweet and crisp rather than tough and bitter.  Kale should be planted about 12 to 15 inches apart for best growth but do very well in pots with at least 6 square inches.


THE EASIEST GROW IT YOURSELF (GIY) VEGETABLES FOR ANY SIZE SPACE – NO YARD NEEDEDLettuce prefers moist, cool conditions which make it perfect for spring and late summer planting.  Seedlings can even tolerate light frost!  Leaf lettuce is the easiest of lettuces to grow and perfect for containers.

Quick Tips: Plant about 12 to 15 inches apart and when you see seedlings growing, thin them to 4 to 6 inches apart to prevent overcrowding.  When the leaves are mature, simply snap off the largest from the outside of the plant for an immediate salad.  Water regularly and thoroughly and shade from hot sun to prevent bitter leaves.  Grows best within a temperature range of 45 to 80 degrees.  Mulch the soil to keep it cool and moist and prevent weeds.

So, don’t wait until the frost arrives!  Now is the perfect time to GIY and enjoy an abundant harvest in the weeks to come.
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