You are currently viewing HOW TO LIVE A HEALTHIER (and Greener) LIFE WITH LIFE EDITING


What are you most grateful for in your life?  What does your perfect life look like?  Do you have bad influences preventing your success?  These are a few of the important questions that I asked myself recently when I paused in the k.o. kidz fight for a greener planet and committed time to “LIFE EDITING” as a beta tester for Sage Grayson’s Life Editing for Beginners Program.

Life editing is a form of life coaching that follows a specific step-by-step process for cleaning up your life, much like how a book editor would edit a manuscript.  Eating organic, reducing waste, and preserving our natural resources are all ways to live green but if our lives are a jumbled mess, we will struggle to find time to add these (and other) HEALTHY habits and routines.  (Check out the FREE Editor’s Toolkit here for more details!)

I’m now participating in the Blog Party for Sage’s kick off program!  In this 5-week group coaching program, participants learn the Life Editing Process and how to delete bad influences, add good habits and routines, and rearrange the parts of life into a perfect flow.

Participants also get daily emails, 10 videos, 10 worksheets, 5 weekly interactive webinars, a private Facebook group, weekly challenges, plus other fun surprises! 

You may be wondering…who is Sage?

Sage is someone that I trusted immediately.  She offered invaluable advice during a complimentary one-on-one session (that she offers to all prospective clients) and continued to be supportive and helpful during the group sessions.  Her coaching is primarily focused on professional goal achievement but can assist with personal challenges (i.e. relationship building, weight loss, stress management) as well.

She has over 10 years of experience as an editor in the publishing world.  She noticed the same techniques that she used as an editor could be used to “life edit” and improve her own life.  She wanted to help others with this proven routine of success.  Sage began individual coaching in 2012 and later added group webinars and consulting.  However, she wanted to expand her reach to make the process more accessible to a larger audience while also creating a community of support within the group.  So, Life Editing for Beginners was developed!

What’s the difference between a therapist and a life coach?

A therapist works with you to determine how your past behavior, actions, and circumstances are affecting you now.  A life coach provides motivation, resources, and inspiration to help you achieve your goals and design your future life.

Therapist = past. Life coach = future.

“I don’t give a damn about your past” says Sage at the start of the program.  “I’m your coach, not your best friend.”  Tough love but necessary guidance from someone that truly wants to help and motivate others to achieve their biggest dreams.  A critical step in Sage’s program was in week 2 when it required me to delete bad influences (people, processes, even clutter!) that I was avoiding rather than confronting head on.  What a huge road block to success!

Sage knows that sometimes our lives can feel like a rough draft.  “Our days are jumbled, there doesn’t seem to be a flow, and we’re not living the story of our dreams that’s inside of us.”  This is where life editing can help by focusing on these key areas:


  • CREATE a Foundation (What’s working? Create a Gratitude List.)
  • DELETE Bad Influences (What’s NOT working?)
  • ADD Good Habits and Routines
  • REARRANGE Into a Perfect Flow
  • MAKE White Space for Self-Care (Yes, it’s ok to focus on YOU!)

I’m now a ‘lifetime’ Life Editor!  We can always make improvements, right?!  I’m focusing on being the best I can be TODAY, finding successes at the end of every day, and living in the moment.  Whew, that’s tough but worth it!

The program is open now for new participants. Click here to sign up! 

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k.o. kidz is not affiliated with the Sage Grayson Life Editing for Beginners Program (SGLEBP) and will not receive any monetary compensation from promotion of this program.  All opinions are expressed independently of SGLEBP.