You are currently viewing HOW TO MAKE ‘NO SEW’ FABRIC GIFT BAGS AND WRAP!



Reduce the stress and waste of gift wrapping by making SIMPLE tie fabric gift bags and wrap.  Re-usable and always a nice personal touch, handmade gift bags can also be customized for the receiver (think favorite color, pattern, or sports team – the fabric choices are endless)!  This is a fun DIY project to do with the kids too.  Let them choose fabric and ribbon to create their own gift bag designs!

k.o. ecolife offers three suggestions from SIMPLE to SIMPLEST:

WHAT You Will Need

-Scissors [sewing ‘cutting’ AND ‘pinking’ shears preferred (for ties)]


-Fabric Glue

HOW TO (Option 1 – Fabric Gift Bags)HOW-TO-MAKE-FABRIC-GIFT-BAGS-AND-WRAP-no-sewing-necessary|Finished-bag-bow-option1

Step 1:  Cut fabric to desired sizeHOW-TO-MAKE-FABRIC-GIFT-BAGS-AND-WRAP-no-sewing-necessary|Cut-fabric-length-STEP1

Step 2:  Fold side edges down ¼” on wrong side of fabric and Press with ironFold-.25inch-edge-press-STEP2

Step 3:  Fold top edge down 3-4” on wrong side of fabric and Press with ironFold-3to4inch-press-STEP3

Step 4:  Fold entire fabric in half (right side facing out), Align edges and Press with ironSTEP4-fold-collage

Step 5:  Lay fabric flat and Apply fabric glue sparingly to underside edges of top edge fabric (this will be used later to fold down at the top of bag for a decorative touch (and it hides the wrong side of the fabric inside the bag)STEP5-glue-collage

Step 6:  Continue lightly applying fabric glue to remaining seams excluding top seam

Step 7:  Press fabric together at seams and let dry

Step 8:  Insert present, fold down top edge – Voila!Fabric-bag-collage-STEP8

Step 9:  (optional) Cut strips of fabric using pinking shears (to prevent fraying) to create bag ties/ribbon or buy pre-madeFabric-bag-collage-STEP9

HOW TO (Option 2 – Fabric Gift Wrap) 


Step 1:  Cut fabric to desired size using either pinking (to prevent fraying) or cutting shears

Step 2:  Cut strips of fabric using pinking shears to create bag ties/ribbon (optional) or buy pre-made

Step 3:  Place gift in center of fabric on wrong side and gather at top

Step 4:  Knot ribbon around gathered fabric – You’re done hun!

HOW TO (Option 3 – Fabric Gift Wrap)

HOW-TO-MAKE-FABRIC-GIFT-BAGS-AND-WRAP-no-sewing-necessary|Gift-wrap-collageHOW-TO-MAKE-FABRIC-GIFT-BAGS-AND-WRAP-no-sewing-necessary|fabric-bag-collage-opt2Step 1:  Cut fabric to desired size using either pinking (to prevent fraying) or cutting shears

Step 2:  Cut strips of fabric using pinking shears (to prevent fraying) to create bag ties/ribbon (optional) or buy pre-made

Step 3:  Place gift in center of fabric on left or right side and roll item until you reach the opposite side

Step 4:  Knot ribbon on each end – Perfecto!HOW-TO-MAKE-NO-SEW-FABRIC-GIFT-BAGS-AND-WRAP|Fabric-Bag-options|ko-ecolife

Enjoy your ‘fabric gift bags’ gift-giving with no disposable wrap, ribbon, and tape!  And, thanks to you, you’ve just given Mother Earth a gift!!HOW-TO-MAKE-NO-SEW-FABRIC-GIFT-BAGS-AND-WRAP|Fabric-Bag-options|ko-ecolife

Fabric by Wamsutta OTC

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Note: Post originally shared from k.o. kidz (now d/b/a k.o. ecolife) December 2014.