I have been a clinical social worker since 1983. Before Covid-19 most therapists encouraged patients to get out of the home and be active. I want this post to let the general public know how to get the best help for your mental health during a pandemic.

The Scope of the Problem

Evidence shows a dramatic increase in drug and alcohol use during the pandemic. Some populations are hurt more than others. It surprised me that young people are more vulnerable to mental health deterioration than the elderly. Also, essential workers are having more mental health issues than the rest of the population.

Negative mental health and addiction issues have profound effects on all of us for years.

Anxiety, depression, and addictive behavior have led to increased alcohol and all manner of other drug consumption. All reports indicate that anxiety, depression, alcohol, and other drug use are up. Way up. Not to mention, other addictive behaviors like gambling are on the rise.

Gambling can be a very serious addiction. I have had clients end up in prison for years because of embezzling large quantities of money to cover gambling losses. This behavior often ends up with many years of hard prison time even if it’s a first offense.

The Problem is Huge

People are not only self-medicating more during this pandemic but what is most concerning is that people are doing it alone. This is a prescription for disaster. People are using alcohol and other drugs in ways that are more unhealthy. Depression and anxiety are often exacerbated by alcohol and drugs. Doing it alone is often just like digging a deeper hole with no one to pull you out if the sides collapse.

Also, many are working or studying for hours online with no person-to-person live human contact. Human beings are social animals and need contact with others almost as much as they need air to breathe.

Break in the Storm

Fortunately, for now, things with COVID 19 are improving just about everywhere in the USA in parts where most people are vaccinated. The number of new cases continues to fall. It seems safer to leave the house again.

If you feel like you’ve been suffering or know anyone, I would like to pitch for Community Mental Health Clinics (CMH). They have been in every community since the 1970s when they were first established by the Federal government.

No matter where you live there is a Community Mental Health Clinic nearby even in remote areas. In big cities, there may be several CMH Clinics. In some states, they are called by different names like Community Health Centers. They are the same if they come under the Federal law creating this mental health service.

Drawback with Private Clinics

Private clinics usually focus on short-term assistance. The problem is that many patients are going to need help on and off for a lifetime. Community Mental Health clinics are designed to help patients with daily life problems over the long haul. This doesn’t mean that a patient at Community Mental Health is a patient for life, but if needed CMH is there for life.

Some conditions will need help, from time to time, for life. For example, Depression where suicide has been attempted, Schizophrenia, Psychotic disorders, Autism spectrum disorders, Intellectual disability disorder, and others all should be considered lifelong mental health conditions that need treatment from time to time.

Concern with Health ‘Professionals’

“Patients need to be aware of this. Find help only from people with real credentials in health professionals.”

Problem with Online Help

Much online treatment is probably appropriate and helpful. My worry though is that people are lying about their credentials as therapists or other professions. At CMH clinics, not only the clinic is credentialed but they have to verify the credentials of the physicians, nurses, and therapists. Patients need to be aware of this. Find help only from people with real credentials in health professions. This may, but probably does not include your favorite bartender. Online can be a good second choice if in-person treatment is not available. Again, just confirm they are legit.

Finding A CMH Clinic

You can find a Community Mental Health clinic near you by googling “community mental health clinic” and searching for your specific area. Or, simply ask your physician. Online, you should find a map showing the clinic close to where you live. You will find a phone number to call for an appointment.

Help is out there! Seek help for your mental health around the country with CMH.


Do you have a specific question related to addiction and recovery?  Please send your comments and questions to and I will cover it in a future blog post. Also, stay tuned for details regarding my online program, “Addiction, Recovery, Wellness.”

Kenneth J. Orlich, LMSW, LMFT, CAADC, ACSW is a clinical social worker, family and marriage therapist, and addiction specialist with over 35 years of experience working as a clinician with the addicted.



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