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COVID-19: Strategies for Coping with Addiction & Mental Health Issues During Isolation

“In the week ending March 21, alcohol sales in the U.S. rose 55% according to Nielson data reported by the Associated Press.”  Consequently, we can expect a lot of mental health issues down the road if excess drinking and drugging continues.


The authorities are encouraging the public to stay at home and not to congregate with others. People who are not considered essential workers are not working outside the home.  This mandate is contrary to good mental health practice for those who are struggling with substance use disorders or addictions in general.  In fact, it is contrary to the recovery of a wide variety of mental health issues especially those related to anxiety and depression.  Still, the COVID-19 virus is deadly and we need to follow the public health experts on this matter


This post will help those who have mental health issues under conditions of social isolation.  It should also help those who do not have a mental health diagnosis but are troubled by isolation. Social isolation is not what most of us want. Humans are social animals.


1.  Develop a daily structure or routine much like when you were working at place of business.

2. As part of that structure, incorporate exercise.  This will reduce anxiety and help with depression. It will help with general health and keeping weight under control. YouTube offers many free exercise videos and k.o. ecolife also posts weekly #FitnessFriday suggestions.

3. Continue to take medications as prescribed.

4. Communicate with friends and relatives by telephone, cards, and letters as well as emails. Use Skype, Zoom and other video streaming apps to see others live. When necessary communicate with therapist and physicians using Telahealth i.e. using telephone and computers to deliver heath services.

5. Keep up your personal appearance and dress up every day.

6. Find activities that you enjoy like hobbies or reading that can be done at home.

7. Avoid using alcohol to excess.  If history of addiction, do not use at all.  This applies to marijuana use and street drugs. Even those with no history of addiction should use with caution.

8. Develop a regular routine of spiritual comfort like meditation, prayer or Telachurch. YouTube offers videos on this subject that would help.


In my research for this project, I was pleasantly surprised with what is available on the internet for not only support but also professional help. Check out “The 9 Best Online Therapy Programs of 2020.” There are free online programs from assessments to psychiatrist, psychologists, and other professional services.

There are also addiction online support groups that can be attended like Alcohol Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous, Marijuana Anonymous,, and All these are online meetings that are open to those in need.


It is very encouraging that there is so much available online for those people who need mental health treatment and support. We, because of COVID 19, are isolated from direct contact with people even close loved ones. However, in some ways using smart phones and computers, we are connected more than ever in human history.

It could very well be that in the future telehealth may be more of the norm even after COVID 19 is less of a problem. Health Insurance providers both public and private might find that providing online treatment to consumers who do not have this service beneficial. It might also be cheaper to get consumers healthy via online services than providing on sight treatment.


Furthermore, some patients might find online health care more attractive.  Many patients with mental health disorders find it difficult to talk to a clinician in a face to face situation.  Some might not have this problem online. I would hope that eventually face to face contact would be encouraged in treatment. However, online treatment could be good for starting recovery for a wide variety of disorders. The challenge for the future will be in helping those people who are unable for a variety of reasons both physical, intellectual, or psychological to use technology to get help.


Lastly, I would like to point out that social distancing does cause mental health problems, but COVID-19 is deadly in some cases. It also can cause brain, lung, and kidney damage for those that do survive. The pandemic problems must be faced but the mental health issues caused by isolation also need to be understood and treated simultaneously. 

It is not good to insinuate, as some do, that the people who do not survive COVID-19 were for the most part old and were going to die anyway. So as a result, let us go on with life as usual like COVID-19 is a minor difficulty like the common cold. This notion of acting like the problem will go away on its own is of grave concern.


In the next post I will address how COVID 19 is influencing family life and mental health in general.  I am very concerned about vulnerable populations like the aged, children, and the disabled. The next few weeks are going to be very telling as states begin to open the workplace with people congregating much more.


Do you have a specific question related to addiction and recovery?  Please send your comments and questions to and I will cover it in a future blog post. Also, stay tuned for details regarding my online program, “Addiction, Recovery, Wellness.”

Kenneth J. Orlich, LMSW, LMFT, CAADC, ACSW is a clinical social worker, family and marriage therapist, and addiction specialist with over 35 years of experience working as a clinician with the addicted.



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